Monday, April 4, 2016

Keep Your Yard Clean

I'm currently reading a book by Anne Lamont, titled, "Bird by Bird". She tells of a friend who claims that we are all born with an "emotional acre" all our own.

Think of your body. Your physical, mental, and spiritual self, being likened to an acre or a piece of property. Mine, is my yard. I have heard people call it a porch, "Keep your own porch clean and swept", a house, and I'm sure there are many other illustrations.

Back to the acre. 

Anne goes on to say,
"You get one, your awful Uncle Phil gets one, I get one, Donald Trump (my reference) gets one, everyone gets one. And as long as you don't hurt anyone, you really get to do with your acre what you please. You can plant fruit trees or flowers or alphabetized rows of vegetables or nothing at all. If you want your acre to look like a giant garage sale, or an auto-wrecking yard, that's what you get to do with it. 
There's a fence around your acre, with a gate, and if people keep coming onto your land and sliming it up or trying to get you to do what they think is right, you get to ask them to leave. And they have to go because it is your acre. "

I like that. I try to keep my yard nice and clean all the time. It takes work. I also try not to have too much going on in my yard. I spread myself thin at times, so I already don't have enough time for the things that need my focus and attention now. Why would I want to have flowerbeds, ponds, and animals all over the place? Those things take time to keep up.

I could write about so many things here, but my point is simply just to keep yourself clean and uncluttered. Be careful who you let up in your yard. What happens when trash blows up on it? Rake it up, pick it up, and burn it. Keep a watchful eye on your property.

Proverbs chapter 4, says :

"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established."

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Lonley Walk Sometimes

Our walk with God can be lonely quite a bit, at least I feel that it is at times. Maybe this is because I stick to a simple schedule and try not to venture out of my sphere to often. By most people's standards I would say that I'm a pretty boring person. I build my relationships at home, workout, work, and pray, read, and study. That is my life in a nutshell.

I like keeping things simple, but I also long for some love and intentional interaction and dialogue. To find that I have to venture out of my sphere. The trick is to do so "in Christ", not compromising who I am. I love God with all my heart, and by faith, He is near and is always with me. I know that I'm not alone but sometimes it feels that way.
"The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in His way. When He falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds his hand." -Proverbs 37:23-24

I like that, because it makes God personal. He orders every step, delights in my way, and holds my hand when I fall. I need but trust that He is with me always and step out with confidence. He will refine me, guide me, and nudge me along the right path as long as I continue to seek His will. Lord help me, continually seek Your will.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength and the hope of my heart.

Friday, March 11, 2016


It's a new season for me and a new blog, Breaking-Ground. This blog will not only be a journal of sorts, but it will also be a well of goodness for those looking for brain food that is a little different. By a little different I mean a little power, wisdom, and art. I blog about life in general, good books, and anything thought provoking. There is one main fabric that holds the quilt of my life together, and that is God, the Father Son and Holy Spirit. All of my posts are rooted in the principles of the Master of Creativity, the Creator, the One true God and Father of all.

I don't have a specific audience in mind, just those who are looking for something real. One of the biggest pieces missing from the Church today, and relationships in general, is authenticity. Real connection. We have become selfish, dressed up garbage cans, who never talk about their struggles and issues.

My life has been full of ups and downs, with the downs being really down! I have gone through lots of tragedy, addiction, depression, and most recently a divorce. I have a few marks, but I'm still standing. I want to live full, knowing that I loved, rolled my sleeves up when necessary, shared my experiences, and had tons of fun doing it. 

Let's be ourselves, not who we are perceiving ourselves to be. God made us the way He wanted for a reason. We have interests, desires, goals, and love to give, in a way that is uniquely us. Persistent, free, happy, and full. Feel the tones tremble down your spine, let your colors bleed and blend with mine. 

Welcome to Breaking Ground!

"I am a small and lonely grape clutching the vine, yet Thou has made me different than the others. Verily there must be a special place for me. Guide me, help me, show me the way. Let me become all that you planned for me when You planted me in the vineyard of the world."
 -Og Mandino